Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Seroconversion is the most frightening word I know of. I'm undergoing what's called a scare right now. I've been exposed to the virus, albeit in a manner very unlikely (about 1/4000) to transmit. I've also started PEP via Retrovir and Epivir, a combination which has an 80% success rate in preventing transmission in high risk scenarios. Having said all of this, I don't think I've ever been this frightened in my life. The word seroconversion, whether I seroconvert or not, will likely haunt me for the rest of my life...


Scott said...

You don't know me from Adam... I added your blog to my reader when I came out to myself and jumped into the MoHo blogging world but that was long after your (now second-)most recent post...

But if the prayers and thoughts of a stranger mean anything to you, know that you'll be in mine.

Kengo Biddles said...



You're in my thoughts, and prayers (if you'll have them).